Monday, April 11, 2011

The Voyage

By Martin Rosner

I am overboard in open sea,
My empty little boat, serenely
Sailing out of sight, towards
Prospects I will never see.
Somehow I seem to understand
That all the years I thought
I was on land were really
On the sea, in an empty
Little boat, that was only
Lent to me.
It was mine for a time,
Though how that came to be
I do not know, and where
It’s going I will never be.
So now I float and wait
And look from sky to sea,
Waiting to awaken from the dream
Or sink back to sleep
To the depths that I call me.

Martin Rosner, M.D. has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers including 17 poems in "The New York Times" and is currently part of the course in modern poetry at American International College. He lives in New Jersey.


  1. this is an incredibly beautiful poem, and I have read many other wonderful poems written by Dr. Rosner. One of the finest poets in the world!

  2. An excellent poem, I appreciate the evocative
    images of the boat on sea and its voyage.


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