Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dr. Burnout

By Millie Niss

Is not in he’s taking the afternoon off
To vacuum his office barcalounger
And test the springiness of the upholstery
With the new Jamaican receptionist
He’s been eyeing for the last two weeks
Dr. doesn’t want to hear about your feelings
After all, they’re immaterial the fall
Of psychodynamic psychiatry is well-past
So please stick to symptoms, side-effects and such
And leave the feelings for your twelve-step group
On overcoming therapy addiction.  Diagnosis
Is a mere formality useful for insurance purposes
We wouldn’t want you to read in any more
Meaning than can be coded in ICD-9 instead
We’d rather characterize your condition
By the characteristic response you have to
Certain pharmacologic agents so rather than to say
That you’re depressed which has so many extra-clinical connotations 
better to say you have
Prozac-responsive syndrome.  Don’t bother to detail
The depths of your despair how you want to throw yourself
In front of the number 104 bus and end it all, enough
To say you have suicidal ideation and not waste
The doctor’s time he is busy preparing his suntan
For the Psychiatric Association conference in Acapulco
Where it wouldn’t do to have pasty skin so please be brief
And to the point and pay your bill promptly the dr.
Is running a business not a charity so have your
Visa or mastercard ready (sorry no American express) as
You leave and please do not forget your next appointment
Careful follow-up is essential to correct treatment.

Previously published in Yale Journal of Health and Medicine

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